Silver King Hot Nut Silver King Hot Nut

Silver King Hot Nut Peanut Machine

Here is a beautiful Silver King hot nut vendor. Original paint with only a small bit of loss. This machine was completely disassembled, cleaned and works like new. Insides are very clean. Has the original lamp assembly with a new red flasher bulb. The heating element is gone but the original housing is intact. Also has the original globe, lock and key. A new, period correct, power cord was added as well as rubber feet, decals and gaskets. The glass hobnail top is also in great condition. But the really great feature of this machine is the original Dixie Vortex cup holder. It still has very nice chrome, the glass is in great shape and has a killer original decal in nice shape (see photo).
Approximately 16" tall (the cup holder adds another inch or so), 11" wide and 8" deep.

MA853 $600.00 SOLD


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